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About Me

I am a Hungarian, Swiss-based architect and writer.

Usually I write in my native language, Hungarian, but many times I translate my works to English too. 


My Journey


I always have a story running in my brain. It was the same when I was a kid with my brother, Attila. We used to do role-plays about every funny thought that we had. I read almost every book in our house, even those that I was not supposed to read. Oops! And not only ours but our neighbours' books as well. After that, only the library was big enough for my eagerness to read everything I wanted. When you read as much as I did, at some point, it comes to writing too. At first, I wrote poems, like many other teens. But then for many years, I just lived my life as normally as possible - no writing, no poems.


But something happened to me. One winter afternoon, I sat down at my computer and started writing a story. Words followed each other, and I suddenly realized that I had a complete first chapter of a book done without any previous thinking! Oh boy. From that moment on, I have been writing - short stories, poems, and books.


I love creativity, which is why I chose architecture as my profession. I not only love drawing and planning, but I also love creating new worlds with my words. 

I have lived and worked since 2013 in Switzerland, this beautiful, calm, and safe country. My first published book is all about Switzerland. 


What others are thinking of my writing:

"The stories of Beatrix Koch are often quirky, examine unusual feelings, and explore the world with a specific focus on fears, desires, or hidden motives. The texts are always relevant and shaped towards giving the reader a sense of déjà vu. " ArtAscent Magazine, Emerson Radisich



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